Is it possible to merge love for art and creation with love for algorithms such as those used in programming? Well, I found out, while doing stuff, that some rules can be applied to pieces of art and that there's so much creativity involved in programming. Yeah, "doing stuff". It's quite hard to explain what you do when people ask you and you do things that are, apparently, not so related. The only thing you can do is taking their hand and show them.

My logo, alongside with this whole portfolio website, is meant to show the coexistence of these two worlds. A rational triangle (a stylized A, as the initial of my first name) is overlayed by a roundy, all but rational, "b" (as the initial of my last name).

I put all this together starting, for sure, from art studies. In 2009 i graduated for a three years long course in entertainment business (theatre, cinema, photography and so on). Then, in 2013, I got my master's degree in Cinema, Television and Multimedia.

At the same time, I started practicing videomaking, photography, graphic design and editing, with a team of friends in a brand new project: Springo Creative Studio. Some of our original works were awarded in contests and festivals (in Italy and in Europe) while works for clients made our contacts grow up.

And then, it was programming! Producing contents for clients' websites made my curiosity about web development tickle more and more. In 2016 I couldn't help myself staying away from algorithms, programming languages and swears (ah ah) and started learning HTML, CSS and javaScript, falling in love with them. During the years, PHP, SQL, frameworks and libraries joined the fun group giving me new ways to create and vent my estrus.